45 sqm Simple Bahay with 2 BR and 1 Cr

Helloshabby.com -- When you succeed in realizing your dream home, it will certainly be a source of pride. Even though it is small, as long as the house can be occupied comfortably, it will be worth it. This time we provide design references for small houses and the rooms in them. Check out 45 sqm Simple Bahay with 2 BR and 1 Cr.

Exterior of house

Prioritizing comfort, this house is made taller so that the small size is not a serious problem because the room has enough circulation. The exterior has also been made good with bright color finishing and a combination of colors.

Living area

Entering the interior, there is a living room that is spacious enough to comfortably accommodate a large number of guests. The sofa in the corner of the room gives a wider dimension because it leaves more space.


The kitchen is an important part especially for moms so make sure to keep it cozy and clean like this. Even though it's small, the selection of nice and neat furniture can provide its own enthusiasm when cooking.


Bedrooms can be made light or dark with curtains. Large windows on both wall areas are important points for the overall comfort of the bedroom.






Thank you for taking time to read this article. Hopefully, those pictures will be useful to those of you looking for ideas and inspiration for small house design and plan. We hope that this makes it easier for you to build your dream home. Don't forget to share this article with anyone who might find it useful. Visit our page on Home Design Pictures and Join with Whatsapp Channel for more ideas. 

Author      : Hafidza
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Credit to the owner

Helloshabby.com is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition, there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.

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