Helloshabby.com -- Bunk bed is smart and cool way to make the most if small rooms. It allows you to have more space for sleeping and even lounging in the room. There are many small but cool bunk bed ideas to apply to small spaces. You can check them out at bunk bed for small room design and ideas.
Light and elegant design
If you want a lightweight and unobtrusive bunk bed design, use a solid wood bunk bed frame like this one. Make sure it's firmly attached and use a matching wooden ladder. It gives the bunk bed a sleek and spacious look. Beautify it with floral-patterned wallpaper around the upper wall of the bed.
Have your own lounge
This bunk bed design allows you to have a relaxing space under the bed. Utilize the wall to install floating shelves for books and decorations. Place seating and other furniture to maximize the function of the space.
Add something warm
Beautify the bunk bed design with your favorite style. You can use the warm Boho style. It can be added string lights and rug that instantly warm up the atmosphere of the space. Install an aesthetic painting as focal point there.
Ensure safety
This bunk bed design looks simple, chic, and colorful. However, it would be better if the upper bed is given a safety railing. This is to minimize the risk of falling on children or anyone who use this bunk bed. Using slim but solid railing is highly recommended for bunk bed designs.
Buy ready-made bunk beds
Not all bunk beds have to be made from scratch. There are now many ready-made bunk beds available for small spaces. It can have a double bed in the lower and upper part, or a bunk bed with the upper part as a bed and the lower area as a work or study section.
Thank you for taking time to read Bunk Bed for Small Room Design and Ideas. Hopefully, those pictures will be useful to those of you looking for ideas and inspiration for small house design and plan. We hope that this makes it easier for you to build your dream home. Don't forget to share this article with anyone who might find it useful.
Author : Yeni
Editor : Munawaroh
Source : Various Source
Helloshabby.com is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition, there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.