7 Smart Ways to Organize a Successful Refrigerator to Make Food Last

7  Smart Ways to Organize a Successful Refrigerator to Make Food Last

Helloshabby.com -- A refrigerator that is messy and overcrowded will make if difficult for you to find the desire foodstuffs. Not to mention, the improper storage will make the quality of food decrease. How to deal with it, of course, there are many ways. Various ways can be seen in 7 Smart Ways to Organize a Successful Refrigerator to Make Food Last below:

How to arrange the correct refrigerator content

Removing the contents of the refrigerator


The first way you can do is to remove the contents of the refrigerator first to see what you have and should be removed. The separate the meal that has passed the expiration date or smells. By separating, this will return to other foods so as not to be contaminated.


 Clean the coolant


It is impossible to feel the conditions of the coolant in a clean state every day. So you need time to clean it on the inside and outside the cool. Be sure to also know how to clean the refrigerator properly.

If all has been clean, next use a tool to avoid splattered food stains. And use a sealed food storage containers as a protector at once.

Put vegetables in a container box


If you have vegetable stock that can for the next week, be sure to store it neatly so that it lasts a long time. Use a container box of glass that has a tight lid. Moreover, you can arrange it neatly and distinguish between vegetables and kitchen spices.

Label the name


To make it while looking for food in the refrigerator, you can label outside the container. This method is very easy to do, rather than having to distinguish foodstuff from container colors.

Separate refrigerator shelves


Maybe this way looks very simple to do. But it can give a good positive effect because it makes it easier taking food in the refrigerator without difficulty.

You can also separate foods that are easily expired. So that there are no rotten food waste in the refrigerator that can cause disease and bad smell.

Provide a snack zone


Not only makes it easier to know the contents of the refrigerator, but it can also help the contents of the refrigerator more neatly if you have a special place for snacks. Moreover, children like to open the refrigerator lid to find food, this way it is very easy you do to make the contents of the refrigerator stay neatly arranged.

Separate between vegetables, fruits and ready-to-eat foods


It will be more practical and easy if you arrange the contents of your refrigerator at home by distinguishing each filling. As seen, you can use containers according to the size of food, vegetables or fruit.

Various food storage for the refrigerator you can choose with a model jar, glass jar, food container, glass bottle, spice jar plastic container.

Hopefully those home garden idea is useful for those of you who looking for ideas and inspiration about home garden idea's. We wish you will be easier in making your dream house. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Lynda
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Various Source

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