How to Get Peace Lily Bloom

How to Get Peace Lily Bloom -- Peace lilies have distinctive flowers and special leaves with a beige color that protects the spadix-phalanx covered with flowers.

Flowers grown in USDA hardiness zone 10 and 11 are grown as template ornamental plants. With its attractive leaves, soft and flavorful white flowers became a popular plant in various circles.

Some people may let this plant bloom during the season only, but to extend the bloom period you can try some of the following tricks.

Give light


To encourage peace lily to flower easily, move the plant to a shady place on the terrace or under the tree. Make sure the light is still much brighter than when in the room. Soak well and periodically to keep the soil moist.

Protect your crops from cold weather

Move your plants into the room before the cold weather. Peace lilies will enter dormancy if the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Check this plant for dust cleaning in the summer.


Place flowers in a bright room in the light


Placing peace flowers in the brightest indoor light is very appropriate. You can place to the east or west with light, but not in direct sunlight.


Keep it with a warm temperature


During the day with a temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit and a night of 55 degrees. This will allow your planting quickly with a sustainable schedule. And always stick to the watering schedule.

Standby with watering schedule


Water when the upper soil begins to dry out. Let it flow completely before putting it back in the cup.

Fertilize every month


Do not forget the fertilization of peace lilies every month from early spring to summer with artificial fertilizers of water-soluble ornamental plants. To encourage its growth, provide fertilizer every 6 weeks or more with balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Hopefully those home garden idea is useful for those of you who looking for ideas and inspiration about home garden idea's. We wish you will be easier in making your dream house. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Lynda
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Various Source is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.

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