6 Colorful Outdoor Plants for Patio and Porch

 Helloshabby.com - Boost your patio and porch appeal with colorful plants that grow around. Grow bloom flower plants to make lively ambience. Here are 6 Colorful Outdoor Plants for Patio and Porch that can tried and make inspire. Check it out!

Plains Coreopsis and Vibrant Colors


Fill your patio and porch with vibrant colors around. Grow Plains Coreopsis that blooms most of the summer. With the flower has small yellow discs and red centers make pretty the area. The flower is tall and skinny and may require staking if not supports by other companion plants or grasses.

Tacitus Bellus


Tacitus Bellus or star flower has magenta colors that make interest the view. Has deep pink to red or most called magenta, this plant can tolerate full sun, but a much better exposure is shade to light shade.

Aster Flower


Grow aster flower to make you have beautiful patio and porch at home. With the flowers have variant color there are blue, purple, pink, red, and white. The flowers can grow in full or medium of sun. Then, the time for blooming in summer and fall.



Decorate your porch and patio with cute plant like succulent. Grow the succulent at mini pot and place around. Succulent is the plant with thick fleshy tissues adapted to water storage. Water only in the stem and have no leaves.



Daisy flowers belong to the aster family. This perennial flowers grow to 60 cm height and has oblong incised leaves and long petioles. Daisy flowers usually have a crown with yellow and white colors that are most commonly encountered.

Watermelon Peperomia


Watermelon peperomia is the plant that easy to care and suitable to grow as houseplants. In addition, this plant perfect for your patio and porch too. This plant is good at staying on top of watering your plants. They produce the flower spikes in the spring and summer. 


That are  6 Colorful Outdoor Plants for Patio and Porch that can implementing in the home and make you inspire. Hope you enjoy this article. Have a nice day, everyone.

Hopefully those  home ideas  is useful for those of you who looking for ideas and inspiration about home interior idea's. We wish you will be easier in making your dream house. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Yuniar
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Various sources

Helloshabby.com is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.

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