7 Stunning Calathea Plant Varieties With Name and Picture

7 Stunning Calathea Plant Varieties With Name and Picture


Helloshabby.com -- You should be prepared to listen to a little review about beautiful plants that have many varieties this time. Calathea is one of the unique plants with a striking leaf surface and beautiful shape. Technically, Calathea is a Geoppertia plant that is mostly classified in Calathea plants. Some types of Calathea are quite easy ti find and choose. You can see 7 list of Calathea that area favorites and becomes the choice of many people:


 Calathea Medallion


This beautiful type of plant is very popular. The unique and beautiful shape of the leaves forms a perfect round. The beautiful leaf surface also looks attractive with a distinctive white color with a combination of deep green and slightly bright. When viewed, the surface of these leaves looks like peacock wings that bloom throughout the day.


Calathea Lancifolia



Calathea Lancifolia is better known as the rattlesnake plant because it has unique markings that resemble reptiles. This tall Calathea grows to about 18 inches. Long, lance shaped leaves with a wavy glossy color and pale yellowish green above with a purple underside.

Make sure to give this plant maximum moisture and fertilizer every month so that this ornamental plant thrives and the interior of your space is beautiful.

Calathea Ornata


Calathea Ornata is a cultivar or variety bred from Calathea Ornata. Oval leaf shape, dark green and shiny with a purple underside that rest on a long green stem.  This plant also has a habit of clumping an average of about 2 feet tall and wide to add a tropical feel.

Plants that don't like direct sun can cause the leaves to burn, so you can simply place this plant near a window that only gets a little sun.

Calathea White Fushion


The next most beautiful plant out there is Calathea White Fushion. This plant is one of the plants whose care is very difficult and is not recommended for beginners. But there's nothing wrong with trying it.

This unique and smaller leaf shape has two combination of white and green colors that appear random to the entire surface of the leaf.

Calathea Stromanthe Triostar



Ornamental plants that are popular as potted plants because of their beautiful and colorful ornamental leaves. This plant is a plant that like the shade. Some types of Calathea will roll their leaves at night and open again in the morning. Calathea Triostar has three or more leaf colors such as pink, dark green and white. And there is a purplish color on the underside of the leaves.


Calathea Orbifolia


This plant is classified as a beautiful Geoppertia Obrifolia with beautiful bright-green leaves. Having smooth livery line. Calathea Obrifolia is native to Eastern Brazil and can grow large from 2 to 2.5 feet.


 Calathea Zebrina



Plants that have a distinctive pattern, green stripes in two beautiful colors. This breeding of velvet leaves and lush-looking leaves is one of the more popular Calathea species. This plant is beautiful to plant, because she will bloom indoors, and you will never miss her beauty.

With proper care, this plant thrive tall and full. The help of sunlight indirectly makes this plant suitable to be placed in the room.


Hopefully those home garden idea is useful for those of you who looking for ideas and inspiration about home garden idea's. We wish you will be easier in making your dream house. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Lynda
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Various Source

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