The Cute and Cheerful Doraemon-themed House -- Admit it! Some of us maybe have kind of addiction in cartoon character. One of them is a Doraemon character. This character originally made in Japan, the cat that comes from the future to help his friends in the present. The Doraemon have cute shape with light blue, red and white colors that look bright and cheerful. It's never wrong to apply our favorite character in our theme house. Special-themed house (like Doraemon-themed house) will make the homeowner mood keep happy and cheerful, away from the gloomy feeling. Want to make your favorite Doraemon-themed house? Look those inspiration below!

The porch

The light blue and white are such perfect combination. You can paint the wall in white and hang some decoration in blue-Doraemon themed in that walls. Vice versa, paint the other wall in blue and install the furnitures like the windows and door in white color. On the floor you can choose ceramics with white and cute blue Doraemon accents.

Toy Collection Shelf Display

Loving a cartoon character, surely you also have a collection related to that character. Feel free to show it off in your living room. You can use toy collection shelf display to show your favorite collection. Beside, this shelf display can be used as decoration on your living room.


Add Doraemon-Sticker on the Floor

The floor look so empty? Why not try to give you favorite accent to the floor surface. Choose the big one, so simply make it the floor look more cute and cheerful in clearly way. 


The Soft Furnishing Doraemon-themed

Other than show your favorite toy/doll collection, you can apply Doraemon-themed on some soft furnishings like the curtain, sofa upholstery and rug. Your favorite character will look even more stand out, when it apply on big and small amount in the room. 

Doraemon-themed Bedroom

Bedroom have always been a private place to express themselves. Feel free to apply the doraemon theme to the room. It can apply in all-doraemon theme. But makes sure, you make one focal point like the walls that painted with flying doraemon character. Somehow it look cute, cheerful and describe the freedom.

Doraemon-themed Kitchen

A simple way to realize thematic kitchen in our favorite character is to apply sticker on kitchen ware. We advise you to apply it on different size. That will make the kitchen more dynamic.

House is place that the homeowner free to express themselves. One of the way is to apply their favorite character as themed house. You can make it all theme or only apply the character in some accents.

Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who looking for inspiration design and house plans. Hopefully you will be easier in making your dream home. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family. It can be booster for us to give you better idea and inspiration about home design.

Author      : Yeni
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : cr:instagram/reghinakarwur is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. This site also contain several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.

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